Our robot
Crescendo 2024
Beat-h0ven: Build and Design
BEAT-HOVEN is our second-year robot. It is 34 x 34 inches . It has a square chassis with an Arcade-style drive train. Powered by 9 NEO motors: 4 for the drive train, 2 for the arm system, 2 for the shooter, 1 for the intake. It uses 2 industrial magnetic sensors to act as programmed-in soft stops, and to increase precision for arm movement. An optical sensor in the intake greatly increases precision and automation capability for the robot.
The design of the arm is based off of an Australian Robot In 3 Days team, the Unqualified Quokkas. We have altered the design to better fit our chassis and goals for the robot.
BEAT-HOVEN is primarily an offensive robot that can score into the Amp and the Speaker. It is controlled with two Logitech controllers, one for Co-driver, which controls the shooting, and arm movement, and the second one is for the driver, which controls the movement and intake of the robot.
The build process was much more efficient with our robot being mostly finished by February 23rd. The Build and Electrical teams have redesigned the robot numerous times for its operation at peak efficiency.
Beat-hoven: Programming
Beat-Hoven is programmed in Java, using the WPILib library. We used Visual Studio Code as the IDE program to write our code. GitHub was also utilized for source and version control, allowing real-time collaboration between our programmers.
Our new autonomous code enables the robot to drive forward and pick up a note, shoot it into the speaker, and repeat the process. This will allow us to score two notes in the speaker during the autonomous period. The robot does this without pistons unlike last year.
The program this year is much more sophisticated than last year, as our programmers have much more experience. We are still a relatively new team so the program isn't as efficient as it could be and we have a lot to learn, but we work continuously to learn more and improve our skills.
Programming is an active process, so new GitHub pushes will happen throughout the season and potentially the off-season.
We also are using an equation to calculate the angle that notes should be shot as a function of our distance from the speaker. We have written a proof for a simplified version of the equation, as well as an explanatory Desmos graph for it and an exponential regression of it to simplify it as well. However, if your robot has an independently articulated arm that connects at a fixed angle to a shooter- there is a more complicated implicit equation. Due to the periodicity of the function on the y axis, i.e., it is not a function, a polynomial (in our experience better than rational or exponential) regression would work, or, if you want to be exact with your answer, differentiate the equations, and then integrate them given the initial condition relevant to your situation. Attached are the equations and their explanation.
Charged up 2023
The Behemoth: Build & Design
The Behemoth is our first robot. It is 39 inches by 31 inches. It has a basic chassis with a drivetrain consisting of 6 wheels, powered by 4 standard AndyMark CIM Motors. It utilizes pneumatics during auto. Despite its basic appearance, it is more than capable in the right hands.
It is primarily a defensive robot, designed to help block the opposing alliance from scoring. Our controller is a standard Xbox controller. We chose this over a flight stick due to its familiarity amongst our drive team and its easy use with our drivetrain design.
During the build process, the chassis and design went through numerous iterations. The chassis was taken apart and rebuilt from the ground up on multiple occasions. Our build and electrical teams have learned a lot of valuable lessons throughout the season so far.
The Behemoth: Programming
The Behemoth is programmed in Java, using the WPILib library. We used Visual Studio Code as the IDE program to write our code. GitHub was also utilized for source and version control, allowing real-time collaboration between our programmers. Our autonomous uses pneumatics to push a cone into a low hybrid node.
Attached is an image of our autonomous code. We have 3 autonomous programs:
A program to push the cone into the hybrid node.
A program to push the cone into the hybrid node, and then leave the community area.
A program to push the cone into the hybrid node, and balance on the charge station.
Just like the build process, programming was not an easy task. It went through many iterations. Its version history can be viewed on our open-source GitHub repository.
Engineering Notebook
Our amazing Engineering Notebook team dedicated hours every day to logging everything we did this season. Our notebook has an entry for just about everything, and each day with an entry for all of our subteams.
An Engineering Notebook's purpose is to document our journey this season from start to finish. This includes our victories, our improvements, and all of our struggles.
Our team's Engineering Notebook has gone through a lot of development, as have the people working on it. If you go through full notebook, you can immediately see the incredible progress that has been made from the beginning of the journal to to its conclusion.